Karolina Wilde

Karolina Wilde

Karolina Wilde is a freelance writer. Her work has been published on Better Marketing, The Ascent, and Sexography reaching over 25,000+ readers. In her free time, you can find her podcasting, reading, or creating TikTok videos.

Take your brand to the next level: should you publish a book?
Take your brand to the next level: should you publish a book?

There are many huge content creators who built their businesses and went on to become published authors. New York Times found that 81% of Americans want to be published authors, so it’s not a surprise that when people get an opportunity to become authors, they take it.

7 things every content creator should do before the end of the year
7 things every content creator should do before the end of the year

The end of the year is notoriously known as the busiest time of the year for all industries. And it’s true for content creators and online entrepreneurs. People are online more in the colder seasons, and they tend to browse and shop much more than during off seasons like summer.

8 marketing emails to send to your list at the end of the year
8 marketing emails to send to your list at the end of the year

Many content creators only consider their email list when it’s time to promote a new product or an online course launch. While email is one of the most effective marketing strategies with an average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, before you can sell to your…

Increase your revenue with limited-time offers
Increase your revenue with limited-time offers

If you are looking for new ways to increase your revenue, limited-time offers can be a great way to do so without much effort. Some of the biggest online course creators in the world have grown their brands by selling online courses and membership websites with limited-time enrollment. The fear…

How to use AI tools to craft engaging sales emails
How to use AI tools to craft engaging sales emails

AI tools can be a huge help to content creators when it comes to crafting content. That is especially true for all marketing materials, like sales emails. If you have an email list (which you 100% should have!), you know how much work goes into growing and maintaining it.

Sell more courses and digital products with influencer marketing
Sell more courses and digital products with influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a $21.1 billion industry according to Influencer Marketing Hub, and over 80% of marketers dedicate a portion of their marketing budget to working with influencers. While you might think that only businesses with large budgets can benefit from using influencer marketing to market their…

7 small business changes to maximize time for marketing
7 small business changes to maximize time for marketing

Marketing is essential for every small business and content creator. After all, in order for people to buy your products, they have to know you exist! As a content creator, you wear many hats, which means that sometimes there might simply not be enough time for you to do everything.